
      There are many basic electronic components that are used for making electronics circuits. The components include diodes, resistors, capacitors, transistors, PCB, integrated circuits, etc. These components consist of two or more terminals which are fixed and soldered on printed circuit boards to get electronic circuits. In this session we introduce some electronics components and simple working circuits in simple way with the help of images and diagram. This will guide you a basic level knowledge of simple hobby circuits and components

 A semiconductor diode is a two terminal electronic component with a PN junction. It is a one way valve for electricity. A diode has low or zero resistance in one direction, and high or maximum resistance in the other direction.

Semiconductor Diode

     The cathode is the negative terminal of a diode is represented with K and the anode, which is the positive terminal, is represented with A. To know the anode and cathode of a practical diode, a bar line is drawn on the diode which means cathode, while the other end represents anode.

Representation of anode and cathode of a practical diode

PN Junction

        A p-n junction diode is two-terminal semiconductor device, that allows the electric current in only one direction but it blocks the electric current in opposite or reverse direction. When the diode is forward biased, it allows the electric current flow. If the diode is reverse biased, it blocks the electric current flow

Total resistance in parallel circuits, (1 / R) = (1 / R1) + (1 / R2) + (1 / R3)

Color code of resistor
Resistor Color coding uses color bands to easily identify a resistors resistive value with its percentage tolerance
The use of color code bands on the body of a resistor is the most common system for indicating the value of a resistor.

colour code of resistor

               Each color band is associated with a numerical value.

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